2007년 6월 1일 금요일

Career Research Paper

The Advocates of Our Society:
Career in Law
Brian Yoon
Ms. Johnson
Writing 1

There are many careers out there in the world right now, and I decided that my future career should be in lawyer.. I think that my value of wanting to succeed, helping others, and being secure fits this career. Also, my skills such as researching topics thoroughly and knowing about many current events would be crucial if I were to become a lawyer. I believe that for me, being a lawyer would best fit my values as well as my personality

I am a kind of person who always tries his best, wants to improve, is positively minded, and likes to help others. I think that these can be useful traits as a lawyer. I believe trying my best at anything I do is the key to success. If I try my best, there is no way that I will not succeed. Furthermore, in every career, people need persistence to accomplish their duties as well as success in the line of work. Second, my qualities of wanting to improve will also help me become a lawyer because there is so much competition for employment. So, I believe that this characteristic will also help me because it is not only trying my best but also improving myself continuously, which will make me even better. Third, I feel that my positive mindedness in my job will help change the kind of stress lawyers receive when they are not able to accomplish a task (Thompson). An example would be when clients need a contract done quickly so that they don’t lose money. When lawyers are in a hurry to complete a contract like that and handle other client’s demands it will stress lawyers out. Therefore, positive thinking is crucial if I were to handle the pressure that lawyers receive. Fourth, I think that helping people who are more disadvantaged than me will help me be a lawyer who helps people in need. I believe in this because lawyers are supposed to be social advocates who protect citizens, not the powerful politicians. I believe that the traits I have presented here will fit my choice on a career in law.

The second part about who I am is going to be about my skills and personality, which can have more effect on what kind of career I choose. One of the important skills I have is that I am able to research a topic extensively and I am able to not miss important details. This is helpful on becoming a lawyer because they usually make paper work that can change many people’s lives including mine. Furthermore, doing research carefully is important to a lawyer since missing a miniature detail can change the whole situation. I feel that the most important skill is being able to memorize a great deal of information. This is because when I am in court, I cannot have time to look at the papers again and again. Also, being able to memorize much information should help me because many lawyers need to know basic laws when they are with a client. In the Keirsy personality trait test, it showed that I am “…. patient with their work and with procedures within an institution" (Keirsey 5). This personality trait can help me become a lawyer because lawyers need patience when doing stressful work such as negotiating a lease deal swiftly so your client does not lose money. Also, in the Keirsy test it shows that I am “super dependable” (Keirsey 4) as well as “decisive in practical affairs” (Keirsey 4). This is one of the most important traits I think that a future lawyer needs because the client depends on you. Another important factor would be that I am very dedicated to what I work on, which lets the client know that I am doing my best to help them (Keirsey 4). Also, this helps people, in very tight situations, who want to know they will be assisted.

There are many requirements on becoming a lawyer as well as fierce competition even after successfully finishing law studies. The education a lawyer has to learn is very rigorous. The necessary education for lawyers is seven years, which includes four years of undergraduate studies and three years of law school (Lawyers). The amount of years future lawyers have to study is longer than most careers. The working condition for lawyers fits me perfectly because I have choices if I am in a private practice. The flexible schedules (Thompson) lawyers can have are so helpful because I am not into structured work schedules, in which I cannot change what I do for that day. Also, the amount of work I would do in the offices will be long but rewarding because I like helping those in need (Thompson). I think that the system of being promoted after learning from experienced lawyers or judges follows the way I like to learn (Thompson). The advancement opportunities for lawyers are enormously vast because each place you work for has a different way of advancing. For example, in law firms, it is harder to advance compared to working for a company because you have more stress for success in a firm (Thompson). Next, the salaries for most lawyers are about $94,930 (Lawyers); I feel that this fits the lifestyle I would like to live in. Furthermore, the growing demand for lawyers would help me in the long run for finding a job because of population increase throughout the world (Lawyers). Therefore, lawyers have to be highly trained and, even after graduating, lawyers need to learn more about the job itself.

The fact that I want to succeed, am willing to help others, and thoroughly research topics carefully have convinced me that becoming a lawyer is my best career option. In conclusion, becoming a lawyer would be the best career option for me because of my personality and skills.

Works Cited:
"Lawyers." Occupational Outlook Handbook. 2006-7. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor of Statistics. 12 Mar 2007 .
Keirsey, David. Please Understand Me II. Del Mar CA: Prometheus Nemesis Book Company, 1998
Thompson, Brian. Personal Interview. 12 MAR 2007.

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