2007년 2월 12일 월요일

My Spriitual and Character Goals

Brian Yoon
H Block
Spiritual/Character Goals

I will write down a character goal which will help me develop my mind effectively.

My first goal is to be patient in any situation that bothers me. I believe that I lack the ability to stay put if I am stressed. Then I tend to get angry at myself for not doing something correctly. Also, I am sometimes very impatient when there is a long time to wait for something. I feel that I should improve my patience so I can become a better person.

My second goal is always to have persistence to go on. As Helen Keller said, “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved,” (Helen Keller) I feel that his perfectly fits the situation I’m in now with much work being put before me to catch up. I hope I will gain the persistence to go on even if there are hardships and overcome them.

I think that these two things are what I need to improve on and I will always try to achieve them. In conclusion, these are my two goals and I will always try to achieve both of the goals.

2007년 2월 4일 일요일

My New Year's Resolution

My Learning Resolutions: January 15 – March 23, 2007

Writing 1 Standards and Benchmark:
Standard 1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process:
Goal: I plan to learn and use a variety of strategies to help me better to edit and publish my work.
Method: I pan to do this by creating a checklist of my problem areas in grammar. I will memorize and use the four comma rules.

Standard 2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing
Goal: I will try my best to write in precise and descriptive language that clarifies and enhances ideas to the reader. Also, I will try to have words that stimulate the imagination of the reader.
Method: I will manage this by using more descriptive words and trying to achieve a specific tone in my writing.

Standard 3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions
Goal: I plan to have good punctuations in written compositions. Specially, I will watch out for my comma mistakes.
Method: I will achieve this by following the “Four Ways of Using a Comma” rule.

Standard 4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes
Goal: My goal is to try and gather information from many sources so that I am not dependent on one source.
Method: I will accomplish this goal by putting more of my time in researching useful information than just writing the assignment on time.

6 Traits:
Goal: I will try and have vast amount of information researched to make intelligent ideas.
Method: I will do this by trying to use more observation, formal research, reading or talking with others to eliminate unnecessary information to make the writing clear in the reader’s minds.